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We preserve the legacy of our ancestors
San Cayetano farm is located just 20 minutes from Zapatoca Santander, one of the most attractive municipalities in the region. Geographically, the farm is located on the eastern side of the Serranía de Los Yariguíes National Park, at an approximate height of 1,850 meters above sea level and with a temperature of 19 ° C.
In the distance, to the south east of the farm, you can see other municipalities such as Socorro, Guane, Villanueva, Barichara and San Gil, bordered by the Sogamoso River. Here, in this incredible place, different exotic and special varieties of coffee are brewed, ideas are enlivened and the dreams of a great human team are projected. An untamed territory full of contrasts due to its surroundings, with the steep mountains that stand out along the canyon, the lush forests of the surrounding mountains and the incredible sunsets that enchant any visitor with their majesty.
The Finca San Cayetano is a property that has been temporarily recovering over 8 years, mainly in the recovery of the soils and in the reforestation of its surroundings. A difficult task to obtain exuberant coffee crops preserved under the shade of fruit trees and other tree species that in turn have helped to conserve the biodiversity and microclimates of the area.
Our coffee crops have acquired such special properties from their environment, which prevail in their fragrances, aromas and flavors that make them unique. These coffees maintain high quality standards, whose processes are controlled from the beginning of the production chain by working and caring for them in the seedlings, controlling their growth and production over the years, to finally achieve the best sensory results that obtain cups of excellent quality. and achieving roasts that exalt the best notes to delight the most demanding palates in the world.

We are promoters of regional self-sufficiency, we seek that neighboring and neighboring people of the region have the opportunity of employment, therefore we ensure that economic activity improves every day for the quality of life of all, we recognize the importance of nature for the human being therefore we work with recycling and reuse processes, conserving natural resources efficiently to bring natural and environmental sustainability to our ecological environment, and at the same time we contribute by restoring damaged or endangered ecosystems.
Likewise, a great value that characterizes us then, is to maintain and strengthen the quality of the processes throughout the production chain of the development of our raw material and our final products. Efficiently respond to the demand of our world markets with different product lines, both in roasted coffee and parchment green coffee, so that it favors and satisfies the needs of our clients, complying with and guaranteeing the standardization of our work.

To get washed coffee, water has been used mainly to remove the mucilage, after the coffee has fermented for a while. The mucilage comes off and then the coffee is dried in the sun.
The washed coffees are clean, they allow you to perceive all the delicious flavors of the origin and the variety, from the acidity to that touch of sweetness or a floral aroma that the coffee has.
The grains they are dried in a patio, African beds or elbas houses.
It is very similar to washing, with the difference that the mucilage is not removed and the coffee is dried with this substance coating the grain.
East This process is also known as honey, but not because of its flavor, but because the grains, being surrounded by mucilage, feel viscous, like honey. The profile of These coffees are sweet, with fruity nuances and moderate acidity.
The grains are spread on African drying beds or in drying yards.
This method consists of drying the whole cherry after harvesting, without removing the shell. It requires a good climate to dry the fruit during the necessary drying time.
The cup profile of these coffees is low acidity, full-bodied, with fruity or wine flavors.
The beans are placed in the sun on drying patios or on African beds, which are raised off the ground.
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